Dear NvT,
We have look with interest your Web, and we find it very interesting. We apreciate the work you are doing, specially in the theme of peace. Is for this reason that we are writing you, because we would like to let you know about the "Letter of Peace, addressed to the U.N.".
For all the work you are doing, and all your experience, it would be an honour for us to know your opinion, and comments about this Document.
The aim of this Document, based on evidences, is to point out some principles for helping to overcome the obstacles which stand in the way of peace and at the same time to offer some foundations to build peace on.
This Document has been supported by personalities and institutions from around the world. It was submitted to the U.N for the first time in January'95. It is also supported by UNESCO.
The Letter of Peace is already known all over the world. We are collecting signatures, opinions and support letters from institutions and people who agree with it.
We think it would be interesting for you to read it. We would like to receive your opinions and comments on it. All the opinions we receive during this year will be handed over to the U.N Secretary General by a delegation from Albertiana Universitas in January'97.
You can get the text "Letter of Peace, addressed to the U.N." in:
Jordi Cusso
Universitas Albertiana
Ambit Maria Corral
Reply-To: [email protected]